Fear is a Liar

How many times in your life, do you listen to that little voice in your head telling you that you are less than perfect? We have all been there at one point in time where the voice grows louder and louder. But you realize that the little voice that keeps talking is just fear and probably based on old thoughts and beliefs, established along your journey called life, right? Fear is a liar. It is, what we like to call in the coaching world, a limiting belief.

Limiting beliefs are the negative, fearful thoughts that you are not good enough or worthy enough of what you desire in life. One of the limiting beliefs that I had was that I was not good enough because of the way I looked. I have called myself fat or overweight or not pretty enough. Why? Because growing up, I compared myself to women in magazines or other people instead of being cool with just being me. (And I am pretty cool if I say so myself.)

Limiting beliefs take on many shapes and forms. Doubt, fear, anger, jealousy, frustration, and more. The best part is that you CAN overcome your limiting beliefs. It is just a matter of really addressing them one by one and releasing them with love. And once, you crush those limiting beliefs (and you can), you feel so much inner peace and joy because you realize that you are enough.

With love,
Susan xo