Success as determined by you

We live in a world of entrepreneurs, accountants, musicians, artists, educators, athletes, and more. The definition of success can vary from person to person, based on the goals set for oneself. How you see success for yourself is vastly different than the person next to you. Some see success as having a family, a home, food on the table. Others may see success as having a Cadillac Escalade, a large bank account, or awards related to their careers. And others may want a little bit of both. Is it possible to have it all? Absolutely. How so? Learning the feeling behind success which is happiness.

Happiness is the state of satisfaction and fulfillment. It is the driving factor behind how you see success. The feeling behind a thought or a vision is what allows you to call it into your experience. Success and happiness go hand in hand when achieving your goals.

When working with clients, my first question when they mention their goals is, “How would this feel for you? How would it feel to achieve this?” The answers include but are not limited to accomplished, trusting, safe, peaceful, fun, and living. The last one is so important because we as people should be living our lives to the fullest. So, how can you harness that feeling when setting your goals? Use your imagination.

As the creators of our lives, using your imagination works wonders. Our mind thinks in pictures, so visualizing or seeing something that feels good allows you to experience more of that in your life. For me, I wanted so badly to do an unassisted pull-up at my gym. I tried, I failed. I tried again, failed again. I kept practicing knowing one day I would get it. But, I had to do some internal work. I never saw myself being successful at it.

I was teaching my clients how to do it, but I was not doing it for myself. Then, it clicked. I had to visualize it, see it, and harness the feeling of it. Then, I remembered what my coaches said about chest to the bar and hand placement. I also added an intention that I am a woman who can do one unassisted pull-up. Shortly after that, I claimed this was the day to do it. Well, everything aligned, and I did what I practiced, remembered, visualized, felt, and imagined I could do. I was happy and, therefore, successful by my standards.

Happiness is the feeling that brings in success, and well, success makes you feel happy. But remember this; Don’t let someone else’s success hinder your success. There is no comparison between you and anyone else. Work on being the best version of yourself, and the success will speak for itself.