Creation vs Reaction

I love these words. Why? Because the letters are the same but rearrange them and they have a completely different meaning and outcome in our lives.

As creators, we control every aspect, idea, word, thought, and belief in our lives. We create our circumstances; so why would you react to something you developed. No one outside of yourself is doing anything to you except you, your thoughts, and your beliefs. Create a life that you want to live.

There is never a lack in your life unless you choose to see it that way. See what I said? You “choose to see it that way!” Life is about perspective, and when you use your creative power, why would you focus on the lack of something? The only thing standing between you and your dream is your ability to believe it and seeking validation outside of yourself (self-doubt).

I know your thinking, it is so hard to do. Well, it’s not. You are creating every single second of every single day right now. Why not choose thoughts that benefit you? Why not choose ideas that make you happy?

Create your life abundantly, on your terms, and watch your world magically change.

With love,
