Mind over Matter

Mind over matter. What does that truly mean? In essence, it means that you control your mindset over everything going on in your world. The circumstances don’t matter, your physical reality doesn’t matter, but your perspective around the circumstances as well as your reaction to said circumstances, do.

You use the power of your mind to overcome things in the physical realm. Whether it relates to your job, your diet, your sleep pattern, etc. This means that you get to control how you feel, how you react, and overall, you control the outcome. There is never anyone outside of yourself doing anything to you; they are just reacting or responding to the vibration you are emitting and what you are aligning yourself with.

If you believe in your mind that you are a good person with a good heart, guess what? You will be aligning yourself with people and circumstances that reflect that view of yourself.

I often tell my clients, change your perspective; change your life. Because it’s true! Mindset is everything. Stay positive, always look for the lessons, always look for something good even in the worst situations. Because in those moment are when we learn the biggest lessons.

With love,

Susan xo

Susan Carabello