What is Ego?

I am sure that you have heard someone say “They are all ego.” or “They’re so egotistical.” We then get visions in our minds of someone who is overconfident, or shall we say cocky. The ego has a way of protecting us. It is a defensive mechanism and if we let it have its way, it could potentially instill fear in all of us.

We are all born as wonderful people with the world at our fingertips and over time, we start absorbing the opinions of others and their beliefs and we take them as our own. Hence, the ego. If someone tells you repeatedly that you are amazing or you are smart or you are unique, you are going to start to believe it because it becomes a condition that we believe. Alternatively, the ego could continually hear and hold onto words on the opposite spectrum such as I’m not pretty, not smart, not strong, etc.

When you begin to recognize that those words in essence are not you, but separate from you, can you begin to change into the person you were always meant to be. The ego is filled with conditions most of which are fear-based. And when you can observe it for what it is, you can truly change it and transform yourself in the process.

Susan Carabello